Mivaka Logo Large

Knowledge and experience
acquired through long for a number of years

Mivaka chicken

Taught by the experience of the years behind us, we learned patience and persistence, which made it possible for us to achieve the success and reputation we have today in Serbia.


We deliver veterinary medicines and equipment according to the highest standards (GDP) within 48 hours

24/7 service

MIVAKA is one of the few wholesale drug stores that bases its business on the basic postulate:

Satisfied client - successful business.

The formula of our success is: SERVICE 24/7.


In production, we are proud to point out that the highest standards required by this kind of production have been fully implemented: GHP, GMP and HACCP, and are strictly controlled by eminent institutions.

Wholesale Drugstore

Our wholesale drug store has in its warehouse all the preparations that are registered on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The experience, knowledge and education of the staff is our strength with which we can respond to every client's request or problem.


The importance of mats in industrial poultry farming can be seen from the point of view of veterinary medicine, animal welfare, ecosystem preservation and economic production.


Torochick is a product that is created by multi-phase processing of manure from our farms, where by applying the world's prestigious technologies, we managed to preserve all the nutritional value for your future plantings.

Sale of Meat

From its own production, as well as in cooperation with its partners, the company MIVAKA is able to fully fulfill every request for the delivery of fresh and frozen meat.

